Friday, April 10, 2015

LETS GO O'S!!!!!!!


In the spirit of the O's 'holiday' that I've declared as today, I decided to support my team through nail art!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Rain, Rain... GO AWAY!!!!!

We've had some pretty dreary days here in Baltimore and the weather forecast shows there are plenty more where that came from... Passing the time with up-dos and nails is a surefire way to help boost our energy levels... or at least make us look good while trying to shake the sleep from our eyes.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

I'm Back, Bimbos.

It's been so long...

It has been a crazy long time since I posted because I suck at keeping up with posting when life becomes busy. That doesn't mean I stopped the nail painting! Here are some designs from the last two years.... Brace yourself for a little photo overload. More posts to come. Prom-Promise!!!!!