Thursday, November 22, 2012



Gobble! Gobble!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Party Girl, Hair and Nails!

Tonight I am celebrating my bestie's bday! So I thought I would add some spice to my look with sassy nails and sassy hair! 

WOOT! WOOT! And I am reaaaaaaaaaady to go!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Black Tie Affair...

Black, Nude, and Gold... What more could you ask for?

My friend Katrina has a black tie wedding to go to this weekend, so she asked me to fancy up her nails. If you live in the Baltimore area and would like your nails done, feel free to contact me! 


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Feelin' Fancy and Fabulous!

This is a special design to bring out your inner fabulousness! It is a deep purple base with a gold glitter french tip and a black wispy design! This is an excellent design for any date night or party!


I love love love gold glitter and the black design gives off that extra little bit that makes these nails super fabulous!

Gettin' fancy and fabulous...just in time for fall!